Who Else Wants These 77 Insider Secrets the Law and Lawyers Don’t Want You to Know?

Discover the Shocking Ways Lawyers Lie, Cheat, and Rip You off – all Within the Letter of the Law

Dear Friend,

I’m going to make a very bold statement that’s sure to get me some nasty blowback.

But as a consumer advocate who’s exposed the truth about conventional legal and financial wisdom, I’m used to that, so here goes…

This letter is based on one assumption: there ought to be a law…against bad Lawyers!

Did you know that In 2019, 2,308 lawyers were publicly disciplined for misconduct in 43 states and the District of Columbia, according to the 2019 ABA Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems?

What’s more, James O’Brian, a disbarred Cold water, Michigan attorney, recently received a jail sentence and three years of probation for “stealing” more than $140,000 from a 95-year-old law firm client. –(CBS NEWS DETROIT)

“Many older adults need financial management assistance from legal professionals, and they should be able to count on the safekeeping of their money when entrusted to a law firm,” Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a statement.

Here’s the scoop:

We are going after the legal industry and exposing what may be the greatest rip off of American citizens in our nations’ history.

We are in the process of publishing a small book for informed citizens like you called…

77 Insider Secrets the Law and Lawyers Don’t Want You To Know

However, before reading further, realize this book won’t be cheap.

Why is it not cheap?

This is very specialized information not readily available to the public.

Until now!

And, it’s also short. (So if you judge information by its “bulk”, no need to keep reading this letter, this product is not intended for you.)

*Exactly how lawyers pad your bill and how to stop it…

*Why contingency fees can be a ripoff…

*Who do dirty lawyers target as prey…

*How to take a deposition and give them nothing…

*Two Clauses lawyers leave out so they can litigate later…

*Why you should not use one firm for all legal action…

*Six techniques that will reduce your law bills…

*The most important item in selecting a lawyer…

*Two ways to get the other party to pay your legal bills…

*How to have your insurance company pay legal cost…

*What to do if you are sued…

*How to tell when you really need a lawyer…

*Little-known way to hide property transfers from public records…

*A Surefire way to handle any business complaint …

*The cheapest way to get good legal help…

*Insider tricks of criminal lawyers…

*Legal jury-rigging. How it’s done…

*Contracts, what you need to know, with examples how to use a lawyer to negotiate away your problems…

*This makes your contract impossible to read…

*How to have credit the day after filing bankruptcy…

Which one of these techniques will slash your legal bills?

*Three totally unorthodox ways to do away with costly retainers…

*Two ingenious ways to find the best lawyer in town…

*An old school, bold way to stop lawsuits…

*The absolute best ways to stop deal killing lawyers…

*The Five Best States to Form an LLC…

And a lot more…

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You have nothing to lose and money to save!!

Warren Wilson

P.S. If you don’t get on the advance release list for 77 Insider Secrets the Law and Lawyers Don’t Want You To Know, how will you learn all the tricks and secrets so that you can beat the law and lawyers at their own game?

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